It’s Almost The 4th of July!!
Whisker kittens, snakes, sparklers, Roman candles, they’re all just comin’ round the bend!!
Refreshers are always good to have to
make sure you and your children know precautions and measures to take Incase of a burn event, whether on a person, an animal, or the earth!
1. Water land close by where you pop!
2. Never pop ON grass!
3. Have a water hose close by!
4. Make sure to have a phone close and that everyone knows how to call 911
5. Burn cream is ALWAYS a good idea to have on hand!
6. Don’t pop toward structures or open land!
7. Stay SAFE and Stay INSURED, and enjoy INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
405-261-5179 (text/call)
For all of your insurance needs! 🎉🇺🇸🎉